A common problem that IELTS candidates have in the first part of the speaking test is coherence. They need to formulate their answers in such a way that the information they provide is in a proper order. They also Continue reading
Opinion Essay Introductions-Part 2
Earlier this week, I explained how IELTS examiners would write introduction paragraphs for opinion essays (i.e. essay questions that ask for your opinion). I also promised to write my own answer Continue reading
Opinion Essay Introductions-Part 1
Writing introduction paragraphs for essays is usually a bit difficult for those who are new to essay writing. So today, I’m going to see how this can be dealt with for essay tasks that require your opinion.Continue reading
IELTS Speaking Part 2 : How to talk longer
One of the first things most IELTS candidates begin to worry about when preparing for the speaking test is how to extend their speech in part 2.Continue reading
IELTS Academic Writing task 1: Pie Charts accompanying other diagrams
It is very important to know that in the academic writing task 1, a single pie chart is almost never given without one or two other diagrams accompanying it. Examples include Continue reading
IELTS Prime is born!
Hi, and welcome to my blog at IELTS Prime. This is where I will be writing about IELTS, covering anything from techniques to language to samples to exercises.
I have been publishing my preparation materials on my personal website at www.tahasoni.com for quite some time, and now I think I am both ready and eager to share ideas and tips with students from around the world in a more direct way.
My goal is to post regularly at least once a week, but as a very very busy teacher, director of studies and senior partner at the Language Academy (www.myLA.ir), I might fail to do so from time to time. I hope you will all forgive me for that 🙂
Good luck to all of you on the road to IELTS!